By admin, 17 十一月, 2016


By admin, 14 十一月, 2016

Tatoeba is a collection of sentences and translations.

It's collaborative, open, free and even addictive.

By admin, 11 十一月, 2016
  1. 打开控制台:Ctrl+Shift+P (or Cmd+Shift+P in Mac)
  2. 输入安装包:Package Control: Install Package
  3. 搜索安装clang format插件(
  4. Sublime->Preference->Packge Settings->Clang Format->Setting User。添加如下配置,让C/C++文件保存时自动格式化。

{ "format_on_save": true }

5. 安装clang-format:brew install clang-format或apt install clang-format。这是最重要的一步,这是sublime的哲学!