By admin, 23 九月, 2022 Coqui Cantonese Development Notes 粤语TTS实现笔记1. Implement Cantonese Frontend参照文档Implementing a New Language Frontend 和 普通话代码实现相应的粤语部分在实现粤语的phonemizers。 标签 AI TTS
By admin, 15 九月, 2022 Chao Tone Letters 赵元任创造的声调记号法,可以更好地表达声调高低音变化。一生会讲33种汉语方言。被称为“汉语言学”之父。是当时清华国学研究院四大导师(王国维、梁启超、陈寅恪、赵元任)中最年轻的一位。一周时间可以学会一门方言。当然,常用的英、法、德、日、西班牙、俄等外语都是会的。
By admin, 9 九月, 2022 git子模块 git submodule可以把在项目里把另外一个repository链接进来。
By admin, 8 九月, 2022 Sprint Boot 据说是现在比较流行的Spring官方为了简化开发而提供的一个工具集: 要注意下载对应Java版本来运行,否则会报错。 标签 Java
By admin, 6 九月, 2022 pgrep, pkill - look up or signal processes based on name and other attributes pgrep, pkill - look up or signal processes based on name and other attributes 标签 Linux
By admin, 31 八月, 2022 aubio is a tool designed for the extraction of annotations from audio signals. aubio is a tool designed for the extraction of annotations from audio signals. Its features include segmenting a sound file before each of its attacks, performing pitch detection, tapping the beat and producing midi streams from live audio.
By admin, 22 八月, 2022 解决Drupal radios按钮控件Ajax无法修改选项值的问题 For Drupal 8+: $inputs = $form_state->getUserInput(); unset($inputs[$item]); $form_state->setUserInput($inputs); For Drupal 7: unset($form['input'][$item]); 标签 Drupal